The Adult dept. has Kindle Paperwhite eReaders for USR patrons to borrow. Electronic editions of the latest best sellers and current popular titles are pre-loaded on these eReaders. New titles are added frequently!
If you’d like to read a number of books on one handy device, or wish to bypass the long hold lists for hot new books, borrow an eReader today! Check them out at the Circulation desk just like a hard copy. If they are out, you may place a reserve at the Information desk.
Kindle Fires for Kids & Teens!
The Children’s and YA departments have Kindle Fires pre-loaded with the latest titles for children in 4th grade–young adults. Find new releases, chapter books, popular series and award winners.
Kindles are available at the circulation desk. They are loaned out for one week and must be checked out by a parent or guardian.