Learn on the go! Celebrate the language resources that your library offers—download lessons on mobile with the free Mango Languages app to learn on the go! Download the app from your favorite app store to your phone to tablet.
Or learn using your computer!
Log on to Mango with your library card number, and choose from over 60 language courses, such as Spanish, Italian, French and more.
Mango Languages’ PhD-created and linguist-approved software teaches real conversations in over 70 languages and makes it fun. With free mobile apps, and earning through film, it’s no wonder Mango is the most popular language-learning resource in public libraries.
Mango rapidly builds language proficiency and cultural understanding around real-world communication skills that you’ll actually need.
Mango breaks things down into small, bite-sized chunks; then challenges you to build them back up into full sentences. You’ll learn language structure and vocabulary in a highly intuitive and contextual way.