Study Room Reservations

The Library has four study rooms available on the upper floor for patron use. Individuals or groups can use the rooms for studying, meetings, or as a work space.
Registration: Patrons must register in order to use a study room. To register patrons can either call the library at 201-327-2583 or ask at the circulation desk. Be prepared to give your name and phone number (for notification purposes in case of emergency library closure). Patrons may register up to a week in advance for a study room. Groups registering for a study room are considered to be a single entity and cannot register for additional time under multiple names.
Time: Patrons can register for up to an hour of study room use. If the room is available after the reservation time has ended, patrons can extend the reservation for an additional hour. There is a maximum of three hours per day.
Signing In: Patrons must sign in at the circulation desk for their study room reservation. Staff will confirm a patron’s reservation and study room. Failure to sign in within 10 minutes of the reserved time will result in forfeiture of the reservation and the study room will be open to other users.
Please review the Study Room Policy for more information on Study Room rules and regulations.