Enjoy a range of talks from bestselling authors and thought leaders. Brought to you in partnership with the Library Speakers Consortium.
February Speakers
How We Create Pandemics, From Our Bodies to Our Beliefs with Smithsonian Curator Sabrina Sholts
Tuesday, February 4 @ 2PM
Smithsonian curator Sabrina Sholts is joining us online to discuss the uncomfortable but all-too-timely message of The Human Disease: How We Create Pandemics, From Our Bodies to Our Beliefs, which travels through history and around the globe to examine how and why pandemics are an inescapable threat of our own making
Register and ask questions of the author here.
Dystopian Tropes from an Indigenous Perspective: In Conversation with Waubgeshig Rice
Tuesday, February 11 @ 7PM
Moon of the Turning Leaves is Rice’s exhilarating return to the world first explored in the phenomenal breakout bestseller Moon of the Crusted Snow: a brooding story of survival, resilience, Indigenous identity, and rebirth. Join us online as we chat with this amazing author.
Register and ask questions of the author here.
I Am Nobody’s Slave: An Author Talk with Pulitzer Prize Finalist Lee Hawkins
Tuesday, February 18 @ 2PM
Hop online to join our conversation with journalist and author Lee Hawkins as he talks to us about the examination of his family’s legacy of post-enslavement trauma and resilience in this riveting memoir I Am Nobody’s Slave: How Uncovering My Family’s History Set Me Free.
Register and ask questions of the author here.